Contact Information

Park Avenue Numismatics
5084 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 105
Miami, FL 33137
Toll Free: 888-419-7136

Secure Private Ordering
We use the latest online security processing, so your order is safe & private. We DO NOT disclose any customer information to ANY third party company. Our customer privacy is our priority.

Over 30 Years Experience
Park Avenue has over 30 years experience buying and selling Rare Coin and Precious Metals. We have the knowledge and ability to provide our customers with the best products and services.

Customer Reviews


Gold touched the highest in almost two months, after rallying on easing U.S. bond yields and a weaker dollar...
Gold prices climbed on Wednesday for a fourth straight session,...
Oil bulls are getting all the support they need in their quest for $90-and-above a barrel as the week opens with a deadly air raid on the United Arab Emirates (UAE)...
Gold prices held their ground on Monday, with gains capped by expectations of monetary policy tightening in the United States...
Gold prices climbed on Wednesday for a fourth straight session...
With bearish gold headlines making the rounds as the new year came to a close last week...
Gold Price Prediction for 2022 -Thursday, January 6, 2022
As a technician, I'm always looking for historical price patterns to help forecast future moves...
Bob Green FUN 2022 -Thursday, January 6, 2022
Bob Green president of Park Avenue Numismatics discusses a coin market at the 2020 FUN show
Retail investors remain significantly bullish on gold prices next year as the precious metal looks to end 2021 with nearly a 4% loss...
Gold Price Prediction for 2022 -Monday, January 3, 2022
As a technician, I'm always looking for historical price patterns to help forecast future moves...